Account Verification
Account holders are tied to their accounts thereby ensuring that nobody else can access it and greatly enhancing security. Digid provisions a private key that is bound to the account holder, the service provider account, and each unique device.
Financial accounts, credit and debit cards, and other accounts can be cryptographically linked to the Digid profile. This enables ongoing verification of accounts that are associated to a user at any given time.
Account Verification
Verifiable credentials are built automatically by the Digid network on behalf of the relying party. These credentials can be used in future transactions that utilize the Digid network to verify claims about a user's identity without sharing their Personal Identifiable Information (PII).
Account Verification
Digid's real-time identity proofing significantly enhances the security of digital wallets by instantly verifying users' identities during transactions, mitigating the risk of fraud and unauthorized access.
This swift authentication process not only enhances user trust and confidence but also promotes a seamless, secure, and user-friendly experience in the ever-growing world of digital finance.